I didn't think to check the weather before we left for the fourth and final night of Vancouver's Celebration of Lights fireworks display competition. The slightly cooler, breezy, mostly sunny day seemed to suggest a possibly overcast evening and a need for extra layers or blankies at most. We left our apartment at around 6:30pm to reserve a spot on the beach for the 10pm show, toting a backpack stuffed with a beach towel, light rain jackets, travel-size Chess and Connect Four, technological goodies, water, and an assortment of tasty snacks. Rain pants and an umbrella would have helped a lot. Well, maybe not the umbrella/lightning rod.
After a comfy sky train ride and walk along the water, we arrived at the beach to find a reasonable crowd, but plenty of great spots. I planted our towel a bit close to the water, and wary of my choice, Waltson pointed out the rising tide. I reluctantly heeded the warning, although fairly certain that he was right, and pulled the towel back a bit. The risk of tempting beach chair groups with too much viable open space in front of us distressed me, buuuuut, I didn't want to be forced to move, or watch the show while submerged in the bay. I amused myself by "solving" this problem through coercing Waltson into a game of "toss the wood chips" anytime I perceived an invasion threat.
As the lapping waves centimetered their way toward our towel, and the walls of a sand castle, I relaxed on our beach towel, gazing at the horizon as fuzzies pummeled Waltson. Apparently some kid decided to "help" some planties by boisterously whacking their seeds onto a magical journey across the beach and into my hair. I watched the fuzzies land on the beach, and noticed that the sand seemed alive as tiny grain clumps trickled down mini dunes. A closer look revealed some fascinating, and unsettling bugs: some hoppy, some squirmy, and some crawly. I'd had enough of the sand and turned my attention to the sky instead. And I saw a really dark mass of clouds. Hmmm. I checked the wind. Looked like it was carrying those ominous sprinklers in a favorable direction....out of the deep gray rumbled a HUGE THUNDER CRACK! "Ooooooh, Aaaaaawesome!" I thought, until it started rain.
We threw on our rain jackets, packed away our towel, secured the electronics in a plastic bag, and watched as some hunkered down with towels over their heads, and others retreated. We decided to sit on a now vacant log behind us and wait out the storm. The front of my pants got soaked, but I mostly enjoyed the storm, catching a glimpse of lightning and watching a giant swoosh of rain travel gradually further from us. The rain subsided, and the log's previous occupants returned. Although it was a pretty long log with plenty of room for their group and ours, we decided to return to the sand, but a bit further back than before. This time, I strategically positioned us behind a sand ridge, littered with shards of bark, about the length of our towel, still close enough to the water to deter other groups from blocking our view, and far away enough to stay dry(as long as the rain didn't return).
The sky grew lighter and I began to relax, and realize that I was pretty hungry. Waltson and I split a Coffee Crisp candy bar, then played some Connect Four. When I'd had enough of his pwnage, we switched to checkers, but didn't finish the game because I thought I'd felt rain. It was a bit after 9:00pm, and I thought it best to just chill until showtime. The beach was packed, more so than the other 3 nights, and I did not look forward to fighting the crowd back to the sky train station. However, I was thrilled to be on the beach with an unobstructed view of what turned out to be yet another night of breathtaking fireworks.
As the last sparkly smithereens faded and the crowd cheered, I jumped up, quickly and vigorously shaking the towel, hopefully leaving all tiny members of the sand community behind. We scanned the hoard for openings and darted between bodies, carefully avoiding towels, shoes, and beach debris in the dark. The scanning, dashing, and sometimes leaping continued as we reached the paved path, keeping one another in view, speed walking and running into open spaces when possible, soon leaving most of the swarm far behind. Our slightly scary, but exhilarating strategy soon brought us to the station, where we caught a train in less than a minute. For the first time in weeks, we had to stand, but at least we didn't have to wait. Some weirdo terrified me on the ride home by giving the train door a random beating, but we made it home, safe and sound. Except that my camera now displays this tiny pixel in every shot, and on the view screen, which is no big deal, as long as its not a symptom of something worse...
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
my jadzia
i really thought that i had her best interest in mind when i took her for a dental cleaning and tooth extraction that i had been putting off for a couple of years now because of the expense. despite her nervousness and health problems, including high blood pressure, hyperthyroidism, and beginning kidney deterioration, three vets had strongly recommended cleaning, even though they all knew that she'd have to be anesthetized. her teeth were really bad. one tooth was infected and her gums were receding. dental problems, i thought, could exacerbate her other health issues, or introduce new ones, so i'd better go for the cleaning. everyone thought she'd come through, even me. now, she's lying in the bathtub, lined with towels, pads, and her little bed, struggling to move, barely lapping up fluids, pupils dialated- maybe she can't see. she can't stand on her own. she can barely stand on her back legs. sharp and heartbreaking contrast to the bright-eyed meowing face that would look up at me, full of love, trust, and a longing for tasty treats. i don't know if she will ever bring me little slips of paper to roll into balls to toss for a game of fetch, or curl up with me as i read, purring contentedly, or race around wildly right after i go to bed, or make her own bed in the crook of my leg as i sleep.
most painful now are thoughts that i entertained about life being simpler and more convenient without her. what i missed, why i took her for granted, is so clear to me now. sharing my life with that beautiful cat is more than worth the pet rent and the expense of her medications and special food, the unpleasant task of cleaning her litterbox, and dealing with vomit. i don't want to feel life without her healthy, vibrant presence. she was always there when i was far from home, when puppy had to be away. with her in my life, i would never be completely alone. i always had beautiful jadzia to share my home. i hope this is not the end for her. i love my kitty so much.
most painful now are thoughts that i entertained about life being simpler and more convenient without her. what i missed, why i took her for granted, is so clear to me now. sharing my life with that beautiful cat is more than worth the pet rent and the expense of her medications and special food, the unpleasant task of cleaning her litterbox, and dealing with vomit. i don't want to feel life without her healthy, vibrant presence. she was always there when i was far from home, when puppy had to be away. with her in my life, i would never be completely alone. i always had beautiful jadzia to share my home. i hope this is not the end for her. i love my kitty so much.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
gear in the works

headaches are a pain. pun intended, as always:)
for over a week now, i have kept my commitment to swim every day in an effort to get some good, healthy, fat burning exercise. easy to do, since there's an awesome aquatic center right across the street from my apartment tower:) i was especially looking forward to my swim today, because the pool would be pretty much empty, thanks to the olympics festivities. last weekend, i shared the huge pool with maybe one or two others on both saturday and sunday night. tonight i was robbed of my swim by a headache that began this afternoon at about 2pm.
it had been a pretty nice day until that point, though i did feel a little off since i woke up. kinda lethargic, even though i got plenty of sleep. i went to a new market with puppycat, and got a package of one of my favorite ramen soups on sale, along with a big bottle of one of my favorite hot sauces, "sriracha." after shopping, we headed home with plans to hurry to the mall(practically across the street as well) and eat at one of my favorite restaurants, Pearl Castle, before puppy had to leave for work. when we got to the restaurant, there was an unexpected wait, so we opted to try this little Korean BBQ place called Koryo. after a bit of a search(there was a huuuuuge crowd, no doubt the olympics festivities bunch, and all tables were occupied) we sat down to enjoy what turned out to be a very delicious plan B! I had some bbq chicken with gravy, rice, glass noodles, and garlic potatoes. everything was super tasty, but i think the noodles were my favorite. i'll definitely be going back, but will prolly get it "to go" for the duration of the olympics;)
so, here i am, still with a hint of a headache, listening to some live music down at the "o-zone," richmond's community center/running track turned olympics festivities site. i think i'll start some laundry, make some dinner, and maybe pop some more druggies.
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